
【學程公告】MIT Course, Summer 2024! LongevityTech Health Services: Services, Community, and Technology

您是否對智慧服務設計、智慧科技感到興趣?「MIT AgeLab」和「實踐大學智慧服務管理學程」邀請您參加,2024年七月用智慧服務來一起探索實踐大學和未來智慧科技的設計之旅!


Sheng-Hung Lee | MIT | https://www.shenghunglee.com/

Sofie Hodara | Northeastern University | https://sofie.space/

Course Collaborators and Sponsors

Shih Chien University Doctoral Program in Creative Industries | https://gici.usc.edu.tw/

Taipei City Government | https://english.gov.taipei/

Lkkwellness | https://lkkwellness.com/


July 2 – July 10, Summer 2024

Course Description

How can service design improve the quality of life in a city? As individuals age, maintaining physical health becomes increasingly important for overall well-being. A gym offers the elderly a crucial resource to stay fit, active, and mobile, thus promoting independence and mobility. Beyond physical health benefits, regular exercise at a gym can enhance mental functioning and foster social connections. With tailored services and supportive environmental design, gyms can empower aging populations to lead fulfilling lives, emphasizing that age is no barrier to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In this two-week course, students will examine how service design and technology can improve longevity health services. Students will design an intervention at the Shih Chien University gym that explores one of the four themes: (1) interior design, (2) public space, (3) sustainability, and (4) education.

At the end of the course, students will have learned the process and theories of service design, how to prototype with digital technologies such as extended reality and artificial intelligence, and how to present their design concepts based on user research. Through the lens of services, community, and technology, participants will work together to envision a future AgeTech city.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand, apply, and appreciate human-centered design and service design approaches.
  2. Experience using emerging technologies e.g., XR or AI to help the problem-solving process.
  3. Reframe and solve socially impactful projects through the lens of aging, community design, and service innovation.