

Friday, 12.22.2023

期末聖誕晚會圓滿成功! 謝謝參加活動的所有同學,相信在許多精彩的表演還有小遊戲中讓大家都有認識不少新朋友,也培養了更深厚的感情。期待各位在2023的尾聲期末都 All Pass!!! 

The 2023 Christmas party was a great success! Thanks to all who attended the party and those who helped to make the event possible! We sincerely hope that everyone had a good time at the semester and year end. Best of luck to all the finals!!!

系學會聖誕趴 系學會聖誕趴

系學會聖誕趴 系學會聖誕趴

系學會聖誕趴 系學會聖誕趴

系學會聖誕趴 系學會聖誕趴
